Stanzas in the Stacks - Part Three
Here's another selection of the substantial collection of poetry down in the stacks, a relic of the days when county libraries had their special subjects, the better to order inter-library loans. One of Exeter's was poetry, which is good news for us. Ruth Fainlight and Elaine Feinstein were both poets who also translated the work of others. Fainlight was born in New York but moved to England when she was 15 and has lived in London for the bulk of her life. She was good friends with Sylvia Plath towards the end of her life, and was also married to Alan Sillitoe, one of the working class writers of the post-war years who got unjustly lumbered with the 'kitchen sink' label. She translated the works of other poets from French and Spanish into English, and spent time in both countries. As well as her poetry, she has also written short stories and libretti for operas. Elizabeth Jennings was a poet from the post-war period who was born in Boston - but that's Boston, Linco...